Privacy Privacy Policy - We believe that our customers deserve to have the same privacy as we ourselves seek/expect. It is impossible to guarantee against all hackers, even banks and/or government systems can and have had their security breached. We will not however, willingly or knowingly share any information without written permission approving it.
Our newsletter will be sent to those that have requested we do so. If one later chooses to be removed from its distribution list we will gladly honor that in as timely a manner as possible.
We have chosen to use the "Paypal" gateway to process either Paypal accounts or most major credit cards. We do that as they have a robust system to help protect your transactions and information. While using this gateway the privacy policy and security policies are those as provided by Paypal. For information on their policies see: Paypal Policies or to sign up for Paypal visit their website at: Paypal Homepage policy