Welcome Velkommen Välkommen – The Vernon Nordic House is true to Nordic House tradition followed around the world. It is a HOME away from home where ALL are WELCOME. Founded back in the day by our Viking co-owners Lars & Sven. Look for their longboat Drakar and you’ll know you’ve found the Hus. They drop in from Valhalla on occasion riding Drakar as he also earned a place there with them. A place where old Norse culture is enjoyed and shared helping to keep the past a part of our present and into the future.
Thank you for your business :
Tusind Tak, Aitäh, Kittos, Takk fyrir, Tusen Takk, Tack så mycket!
Thank you for helping us to comply with Covid regulations these last 2 years. You helped others stay safe.
Current hours below
Fri, Sat, and Sun 10 am until 2pm only.Good Health to All

Lars one of our 2 Viking Co-Founders would like to introduce himself and welcome you to the Nordic House