Kransekake sometimes are either picked up or shipped assembled. In that case the final look of the cakes is determined by us with input from our customers. Mostly we ship unassembled ones all over the country for different occassions. Some are for anniversaries, some for weddings, engagement parties, some for engagement parties, and some for birthdays, holidays, or just because someone wanted one.
We provide instructions on how to assemble them using either our own icing or by following our instructions so you may prepare your own. It is safer to ship them this way and it makes for a fun or memoriable activity assembling them. A great idea for the ushers & bridesmades or family members prior to a wedding.
We have the enjoyment of seeing some of what our customers have come up with and how they were used when they send up photos. We thought we’d share some of them to give you ideas and in case you think you are hesitant about assembling one yourself.